Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Photo Essay without the Essay

These are shots from all over the farm and campus.  If anyone wants to get me a fancy, expensive camera, I will put it to good use.  I grow tired of the lousy focusing of both my camera and phone camera.  Enjoy the visuals (and stay away from the last photo unless you like seeing skinned animals).
This is our front yard.  See our fancy sheep?  They are making lots of noise at you. BLAUUAAAGH. 
Our back "porch," archery target, shed, a cabin, and a little garden.

Our chicken coop and large garden.  (and two animals!) You can see two cabins in the back ground.
A fairly representative path on the South Trail - our side of the creek.  Lots and lots of Salmonberry and Trailing Blackberry shaded by Ceder and Hemlock.
Medicine Wheel and Altar. More on them later.
The Outdoor Classroom.  Can you imagine Frog on the far side hiding for an hour?
The wood shed behind the ODC. I am partly responsible for the pile on the left.
Inside the ODC. 
The mushrooms are coming. 
An old shelter built a few years ago.
A blurry example of Vine Maple being ridiculous, as usual, and growing horizontally like crazy, right across the entire creek bed, over 40 ft wide. 
Having crossed the creek the land changes.  Mossy trees have fallen and ferns abound.
Soft earth, lots of roots, trees and moss.
Monster Oysters!
This summer's primitive shelter.  This is a debris hut. 
This is the debris tent that I helped build.  Where the hut is round and can fit four or five around a fire, this is made to fit one or two laying down.  
The other group built this lean-to with a fire reflecting wall.  It would sleep two comfortably.   
When I look down this is frequently what I see:  bare feet on mossy logs with mushrooms over mossy ground that is impossibly soft.
This may or may not be my sit spot.   I'm not telling.
Delicious Oyster Mushrooms.  

If you have no desire to see the deer that was mentioned in the previous post, then enjoy the mushrooms and check out now!

(Week Two coming soon)

This is the aforementioned deer, sans hide, with a broken foot from the car that killed it and a lack of head from where we removed it ("we" is used liberally here). 
And you  might be able to tell that there are two people standing casually in the background, maybe carrying on a conversation, maybe drinking a beer, and perhaps even behaving as if this sort of thing is hardly out of the ordinary at all.  Just maybe.  

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